Facette 0.1.2 released

We just released the version 0.1.2 of Facette:

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Facette 101

You’ve decided to give Facette a try with your metrics, good for you! After installing the latest version, open your browser and point it to the address it is listening on — that would be http://localhost:12003 if using the default settings — and *BAM!*, here you are:

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Facette 0.1.1 released

We just released the version 0.1.1 of Facette:

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Ship It!

After being told this for months, we are excited to announce the first public release of Facette! You can download Facette 0.1.0 from Github, and the documentation is available here. Facette is a web application to display time series data from various sources — such as collectd or Graphite — on graphs. Big deal, I know. However, one of the strengths of Facette is to be able to display metrics from different tools on the same graphs, seamlessly.

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